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What is Environmental Literacy?


An individual's understanding, skills and motivation to make responsible decisions that considers his or her relationships to natural systems, communities and future generations. Environmental Literacy is the desired outcome of environmental education which strives to provide learners with: Sound scientific information

What is the importance of Environmental Literacy?

Most important, says Mitchell, environmental literacy helps develop and expand children's critical thinking skills, prepares them for citizenship, nurtures their appreciation of the natural world, and enhances their physical well-being.

Effects of Environmental Pollution

ipw High levels of air pollution can cause an increased risk of heart attack, wheezing, coughing, and breathing problems, and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat. Air pollution can also cause worsening of existing heart problems, asthma, and other lung complications.Environmental pollutants have various adverse health effects from early life some of the most important harmful effects are perinatal disorders, infant mortality, respiratory disorders, allergy, malignancies, cardiovascular disorders, increase in stress oxidative, endothelial dysfunction, mental disorders, and various other harmful effects.

8 things to do to save the environment

1. Reduce eating meat

2. Reduce eating dairy

3. Notice how you use water

4. Reduce the use of too much paper

5.Change your car driving habits

6. Use a refillable water bottle and reusable lunch containers

7. Be mindful of what you throw in the trash

8. Borrow or fix rather than buy

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- Siggayo,Princess Nicole
- Reponcion, Edrian David
- Villadarez, Josh Mark
- Tiangco, Jade Aubrey